Keto Peppermint Patties Recipe (Less Than 1 Net Carb & Even Better Than the Real Thing!) (2024)

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Keto Peppermint Patties Recipe (Less Than 1 Net Carb & Even Better Than the Real Thing!) (1)

Love York Peppermint Patties? 🙋🏼‍♀️

Normally peanut butter and chocolate candies are my go-to, but let me tell ya, there’s nothing better than a refreshing peppermint patty (especially if it’s straight from the fridge).

However, we all know they’re off-limits for those of us living the keto life… until now! You can still enjoy that perfect peppermint candy for dessert without all the added sugar and carbs.

Introducing keto peppermint patties!

Keto Peppermint Patties Recipe (Less Than 1 Net Carb & Even Better Than the Real Thing!) (2)

Your sweet tooth will thank you!

From the creamy dark chocolate to the luscious smooth peppermint filling, these keto peppermint patties are simply perfect! Making sugar-free candies may seem like a daunting task, but this recipe calls for just 6 ingredients (a few you may already have!) and follows an easy mix, freeze, and coat process.

Keto Peppermint Patties Recipe (Less Than 1 Net Carb & Even Better Than the Real Thing!) (3)

Trust me, these cool, creamy, and chocolatey bites are worth every ounce of effort!

Keto Peppermint Patties Recipe (Less Than 1 Net Carb & Even Better Than the Real Thing!) (4)

Tips for making the best keto peppermint patties:

  • Start out with 1 teaspoon of peppermint extract and give the filling a taste test. I prefer a stronger peppermint flavor so I usually use about 2 teaspoons of peppermint extract. Add in an extra 1/2 teaspoon at a time until you are happy with the punch of flavor.
  • You might want to double the batch, not only because they are so tasty, but these little guys freeze perfectly so having some available in the freezer is perfect when you are craving a few.
  • You can use refined coconut oil instead of unrefined if you are worried about the coconut flavor in the unrefined coconut oil.

Keto Peppermint Patties Recipe (Less Than 1 Net Carb & Even Better Than the Real Thing!) (5)

Keto Peppermint Patties Recipe (Less Than 1 Net Carb & Even Better Than the Real Thing!) (6)

Keto Peppermint Patties Recipe (Less Than 1 Net Carb & Even Better Than the Real Thing!) (7)

Keto Peppermint Patties Recipe (Less Than 1 Net Carb & Even Better Than the Real Thing!) (8)

Keto Peppermint Patties Recipe (Less Than 1 Net Carb & Even Better Than the Real Thing!) (9)

Keto Peppermint Patties Recipe (Less Than 1 Net Carb & Even Better Than the Real Thing!) (10)

Keto Peppermint Patties Recipe (Less Than 1 Net Carb & Even Better Than the Real Thing!) (11)

Keto Peppermint Patties Recipe (Less Than 1 Net Carb & Even Better Than the Real Thing!) (12)


Keto Peppermint Patties

yield: 15 SERVINGS

prep time: 60 MINUTES

total time: 60 MINUTES

These low carb peppermint patties are rich and refreshing, made with peppermint extract, sugar-free chocolate chips, and only a few other simple ingredients.



In a medium bowl, mix together coconut oil and heavy whipping cream. Add in Swerve confectioners sweetener and mix with a handheld electric mixer until the sweetener has dissolved.


Add in vanilla and peppermint extract. Taste test the filling and see if you have a strong enough peppermint flavor, adding 1/2 teaspoon at a time. I start at 1 teaspoon, but I prefer a stronger peppermint flavor so I lean more toward the 2 teaspoons amount.


Mix until you have reached a smooth texture. Place bowl in the fridge for 15 minutes to chill. When chilled, scoop out large teaspoon mounds of the filling onto a parchment paper-lined baking sheet.


Spread out filling with a butter knife or spoon to create a disc shape. Place baking sheet in the freezer for 30 minutes. The colder the disc is the easier it will be to dip in the warm melted chocolate.


While the peppermint discs are freezing, melt the chocolate by placing the chocolate chips and coconut oil in the top of a double boiler over barely simmering water. This will help keep the chocolate away from direct heat, which will allow it to melt at a low temperature to prevent scorching and separating.

If you are wanting to melt chocolate chips in the microwave, you can heat it in 20-second intervals making sure to stir in between each interval until you have reached a smooth melted chocolate consistency.


Remove peppermint filling discs from the freezer. Place the discs on a fork and dip the fork directly into the melted chocolate. Allow the excess chocolate to drip and place dipped peppermint patty onto the lined baking sheet with parchment paper.


Store baking sheet in the freezer until chocolate has completely hardened. Place peppermint patties in a sealed container and place in refrigerator or freezer until ready to eat. Enjoy!

Nutrition Information

Yield: 15, Serving Size: 1
Amount Per Serving:78.8 Calories | 8.4g Fat | 7.0g Total Carbs | 0.5g Fiber | 6.4g Sugar Alcohol | 0g Protein | 0.1g Net Carbs

Brought to you by Hip2Keto.

Keto Peppermint Patties Recipe (Less Than 1 Net Carb & Even Better Than the Real Thing!) (13)

All the flavor without the guilt!

If you are looking for a cool, refreshing, and sweet piece of candy, go ahead and reach for a few of these melt-in-your-mouth keto peppermint patties. They’ll take you straight to the North Pole with their delicious pepperminty goodness!

I might just make a batch and leave some out for Santa this Christmas and maybe surprise a few of my keto friends with some, too.

Keto Peppermint Patties Recipe (Less Than 1 Net Carb & Even Better Than the Real Thing!) (14)

My Hip sidekick Jenna tried out this recipe and here’s what she thought!

“These are amazing and are seriously such a fun and easy treat! My daughter loves the traditional York Peppermint Patties and I can’t believe I’ve never tried making them at home. This was actually way easier than I thought it would be and of course, my daughter is obsessed with them now. The ChocZero dark chips melted so beautifully, and dipping was a breeze. This recipe is a home run!”

Want more holiday desserts? Make Keto Christmas “Crack” Toffee!

Keto Peppermint Patties Recipe (Less Than 1 Net Carb & Even Better Than the Real Thing!) (2024)


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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.